There are few things in this world than I hate more than right-wing religious bigots. So, it should come as no surprise that Bill O'Reilly is at the top of my "I Hope You Choke on Your Own Shit and Die" list. Let me explain. Amy Richards, co-author of Manifesta (alongside girlcrush Jennifer Baumgardner) went on O'Reilly's rightwingasfuck talk show The O'Reilly Factor. Wouldn't you know, it addressed the topic of abortion, specifically the services provided by the late George Tiller.
Barely allowing Richards a word in edgewise, O'Reilly goes on a ultraconservativerepublican tangent about "baby killing" and how clinics exacerbate the problem of rape by not releasing the rapists' names (he has proof they have the names, though he neglects to name his source). Now, one (meaning me) could argue that rather than releasing the names of rapists and jailing them (which, incidentally, is less jail time than if you're caught with MJ), society could deal with the rape epidemic by not socializing men to think that the bodies of women are ohsoavailable to them. Or, rather than up to a year of jail time, cut their fucking dicks off and feed them to wild boars. Problem solved.
I understand that the problem of rape is not limited to male aggression towards women, but for the purposes of this blog I'm sticking to the status quo. And interestingly enough, I came upon another instance in which O'Reilly discusses rape--this time, he blamed two moronic young girls for their car breaking down.
Were these girls asking for it? Well...not exactly. But they were moronic and their car did break down. And the girl was wearing a midriff-bearing halter top (perish the thought!) and a mini-skirt. Victimblamingvictimblamingvictimblaming. Good on you, Bill. Good on you.
Oh, and did I mention that ACLU is hypocritical?
I'm not even going to touch that one.
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