Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It Could Be the Copious Amounts of Mountain Dew I've Ingested,

but I am freaking out. The recent gains (or losses, depending on how you look at it) of Republicans in the Senate & House have made me realize how tenuous my rights as a woman and human being are. Economic realities coupled with the fact that grad school wants me to have three years' relevant work experience suggest the very real possibility that I will be underemployed and uninsured in one year's time--an alarming prospect considering I already struggle with medical bills even though I'm "adequately" insured.

I think I might die, sometimes, and that frightens me.

I am heartened, though, that my response is fright and not passive acquiescence.

It means I still have a will to live, a will to fight.

Get ready, privileged bastards, because hell hath no fury like a woman denied healthcare because of a preexisting vagina.


  1. I have that P-EV problem too...I asked my doctor what to do about it, he told me to stay close to the kitchen. Seeking a new doctor.

  2. Republican leaders want to start a "HCIS" - like HUAC but for more than just communists. (House Committee on Internal Subversion) that would investigate 1.) Non-Christians 2.)Teh Gays 3.) Feminists (not even joking) and 4.) Communists and people who read Howard Zinn.

    Wearing a sign all tomorrow with checkmarks next to all four and saying "Dear HCIS I am (checkmarked list) and I am not going anywhere!"

    Hell hath no fury like a person denied basic rights because of religion, orientation, gender, political beliefs, and favorite authors.
